What Meal Plan is Right for You?

ProbablyHealthy-Diet-food one of the most asked questions of any competitor has to be about what meal plan would be suggested for them.  I know I get inundated with emails asking for me to write up a meal plan…for free of course.  I also get competitors complaining that the diet their trainer has them on isn’t working for them and seeking knowledge on how to tweek it or they’re shopping around for a new trainer who’s theories on nutrition and training may be a better fit.  

The thing most of these people have in common seems to be a lack of patience.  Everyone wants immediate results but very few look within themselves to determine if the problem is them rather than the plan their prep coach has them following.

There are thousands of trainers with thousands of meal plans.  Most go with six meals a day of lean proteins, complex carbs and healthy fats.  There is also research that three meals may be enough.  Then you have keto, paleo, atkins, and so on.  While at the LA Fit Expo I discovered that a very huge name in the fitness industry only eats once a day! WTF?  Well the fact is that all these diets can work.

Our bodies are amazing machines that learn how to adapt to just about anything we choose to put them through.  The one thing that ties the success of each together is the one thing that many seem to neglect…consistency.  Consistency is defined as steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc.  

Can you truly look yourself in the mirror and honestly tell yourself that you have been consistent?  So before wanting to dump your trainer, prep coach, fitness life coach or whatever you want to call them maybe you should determine if you have been consistent and allowed your body the time to adapt to the path your coach has put you on.  Don’t get me wrong, there are some bad prep coaches out there just like in any industry; but, if your coach has gotten results in the past with others than maybe you should learn to trust in your decision to go with them in the first place and truly commit yourself to the plan.  Remember the old saying Rome wasn’t built in a day.  Well neither are championship physiques.

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, “Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” ~ Muhammad Ali

Bobby Ashhurst

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