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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On NPC Figure Competitor: Galina Gegenava

Spotlight On NPC Figure Competitor: Galina Gegenava

Category you compete in: Figure    Arni hi5
Date of birth: 10/13/1978
Hometown: Born in Sevastopol, Crymia. Current home town for over 15 years Los Angeles.        
Career: Designer 

How does your family respond to your competing?
My man side of a family is beyond proud of me, my father's side has military background and they respect hard discipline and dedication. The woman side was a bit shocked, comments like "You will look like a dude" was flying left and right. But sinse all of my family is on the other side of the globe I was able to ignore negative comments by shutting down my skype :D Now realizing how far I have gotten and what I have achieved, some of my family members who were doubting me, feel sorry and proud of my achievements.

What kind of goals have you set for yourself, short-term and long-term?
I'm a dreamer and I take my dreams to the limit and in my world there is no limit. Short-term I would love to develop my shoulders, tone up my glutes and hamstrings. Chizzle my body to MY dream standards, we all have different tastes, different ideas of what we like and I absolutely love the figure division look. But I also have a serious crush on the physique division <3

Long-term? continue living a fit and healthy lifestyle, build a creative empire and inspire younger generations, who do not come from physically active families. Inspire young women and men and show them an example that anything is possible.

At the age of 15 I began a career in modeling. I remember quickly realizing that in order to flourish in the competitive modeling industry I would have to maintain a dissipated child-like figure even as an adult.  As I began to mature, maintaining an emaciated figure posed its challenges.  My new found awareness and body image pressures subconsciously conveyed an unhealthy lifestyle, which in return lead me to extreme dieting.  Eventually I found myself actively participating in acts of anorexia and bulimia daily.

In due time anorexia and bulimia silently began to rule and ruin my life. I knew I needed to face my demons, but I just didn’t know how.  Reminiscing on all of the occasions where I ravaged my body by self starvation and vomiting, left scars of shame, hopelessness, and disgust.  Additionally, these diseases ultimately isolated me from loving relationships plus encouraged a mind-set of depression, guilt, and shame.

Several years later, I was still fighting traces of depression and shame.  My weight ballooned to nearly 180 pounds and I was a size 14.  Being fed up with extreme dieting restraints I indulged and gCreativeGalinaave into whatever craving my body desired.  Not having an athletic background or knowledge on how to properly maintain a healthy lifestyle, I found myself once again battling emotions of frustration every time I looked at myself in the mirror.  Weighing 180 pounds was such a blow to my ego and I was becoming desperate to get the weight off.The formula to my transformation is simple.  I came to the realization that there are no short cuts.  Not to mention that fad diets and trends, “Do not work long term”.  If I can accomplish and maintain a structured, rewarding physically fit lifestyle anyone can!  I can now state with confidence that I have gained discipline and my commitment to living a healthy lifestyle is stronger than ever.  My biggest gift is my connection to my mind, body, and soul.  My being has naturally aligned and my paradigm and wisdom is pouring out of me like never before.  This is just the beginning for me and I am so excited about my future and what my new lifestyle has in store for me.  It is truly a magical time!
I live by the motto, “Don’t wait for a miracle, create your own miracles with faith. Faith in yourself!”  It is just that simple. Set your mind and just do it!

What's currently on your iPod?
I only use music during cardio and for that I must have some dance beats. Deadmou5, Kaskade, Afrojack is my kind of beat. But there are days when Snoop Dog and Missy Elliott gets me going ;D

What are your hobbies and interests outside of the bodybuilding world?
 I turn my hobbies and interests into daily life. I'm a creative being, I love to draw and paint and graduated with a graphic design certificate. I love making jewelry and dresses and started making them for others. I'm manufacturing my own dumbbell and hand made jewelry for fitness competitors to remind you keep going and believe in yourself. My love for bodybuilding opened doors to what I love doing most, being creative.  I make necklaces or at the gym I creatively chisel my body.

Do you have a favorite exercise?
Hmmmmmmm, its like asking a kid at the candy store what is your favorite candy ;D
I don't really have one, just because I love working out and each body part has to be developed and cherished. I look at bodybuilding as art form.  I'm a sculptor of human flesh. To be able to achieve a goal, you must love what you do. It's impossible for me to like something less or more when I'm working out. Each movement is my favorite, each exercise takes me to the next step of my dream body.

Many people look at my competition pictures without realizing I  have been living in this new body only for a few years. I'm still learning and have a lot to learn about this amazing beautiful sport of bodybuilding. 

Competition history:
NPC Los Angeles Championships 07/21/2012
2nd place

NPC Los Angeles Champibefore afteronships, 01/12/2012

Next competition:
I'm aiming for next year and have no particular date set yet. But it all can change. So many of my dear friends competed this year and I might get the competing bug ;D  I dont want to jump ahead of my goals and will have to keep it real and I have to be patient so I am not sure when I will step on stage again.

Favorite Fitness Tip:
Just do it! What ever your goal is, to loose a few pounds or get your pro card, just do it! (Nike stole my slogan lol) Suck it up and go full force toward your goal. Fitness and life goals get achieved the same way - just do it. Have no fear and be the best in every part of your life, choose  quality foods to put in your stomach, think twice if its worth it to set yourself back with that slice of cake. Be who you always wanted to be and you will never have anything to worry about.

Who would you like to thank?
God, husband, my coach Vladimir Sizov IFBB PRO, trainer Isaac Randolph, my gym family PowerHGalina and trainer IsaacRandolphouse-Chatsworth, my soul sisters: Cristina Gedang IFBB PRO, Alina Popa IFBB PRO, Jenny Passey Grothe,  Katie Jones, Magic Mimi.

Honestly from the bottom of my heart everyone who I have met in my life, I would not be who I am today without everyone who has crossed my life path.
If I was at the Oscars you probably would start the music right here... lol


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