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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight on NPC Bikini Competitor – Shannon Hart

Spotlight on NPC Bikini Competitor – Shannon Hart

Category you compete in: NPC Bikini 6958 315625561872282 1116952022 n
Date of Birth: June 6, 1985
Hometown: Kahuku, Hawaii
Career: SAHM

If you could change into a superhero for a day who would you be and why?
Wonder Woman – she’s HOT!  She embodies female empowerment and is an honest and kind superhero but she can bash your face in if you get her order wrong at Starbucks.  I feel that I can relate to her in some aspects as she grew up somewhat sheltered and was not ready for how cruel our society can be at times.  She is able to adjust and adapt to any situation.  She has broad shoulders like me. We both have an intense beauty, clear sense of identity knowing who we are and where we come from.  She was a rebellious daughter just like me.  At the end of the day she is normal person with a peaceful heart just like me.  Did I mention she is HOT?!

What made you begin dedicating your lifestyle to this sport?
When I did my first bikini show a few years ago I had no idea what I was doing.  I hadn’t even lifted a single weight in my life let alone know what effects of eating macadamia nuts the night before stepping on stage would do to my body.  As I started competing, I realized there is a real science to this sport.  I started to do online research on different types of protein, glutamine, fish oils, etc. and the effects it has on the human body, what would be the correct amount for me to take and when to take them.  That’s when the results starting showing in the gym, although some of my smaller clothes didn’t fit anymore (boo! – but it’s an excuse to go shopping (wink).  I felt that I was on par with the girls I was standing next to on stage.  So to answer the question…after my first show.

What approach do you take to dieting …carb cycle...keto?
I have a guide that I “follow”.  (giggling)  No seriously, I like to play things by ear and adjust my diet, cardio and exercises on how I look.  There isn’t a cut and dry diet for me right now as I am still very new to this industry.

What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about competing?
This industry isn’t all unicorns and happily ever after.  It is downright hard work!  You have to put in the gym time, eat the correct foods, prepare your food in advance, nail your posing on stage, make sure your hair, tan, makeup, suit, and smile are perfect when you are in front of the judges.

What is your most embarrassing childhood memory?
I grew up in Hawaii and there are only two things to do; tan and surf.  I was actually good at both (laughs)!  Anyways, one day while surfing – all the waves seemed to be crunchers (big hard-breaking waves that are almost impossible to ride) and I was still very wet behind the ears and decided to go for it.  I paddled out, scoped out a wave, setup my board and went in…I did really good, made it all the to the barrel (breaking motion of a perfect wave)…and totally wiped out.  That’s not the embarrassing part, but coming up from the wipeout and not having your bikini on…NOTHING; I had lost my tops and my bottoms!  I was only in a string bikini and I didn’t have any intention of riding any waves just relaxing under the sun on the board.  My friend came over with her surf board and that was the longest walk back to her car.  Needless to say I never attempted any crunchers after that!!!

What is the biggest lesson you have learned about YOURSELF during your contest prep?
I have an addiction to … peanut butter!  I thought by now I thought I would be sick of it, but that is not the case.  I have mixed almost everything with peanut butter…pb n’ chicken, pb n’ eggs, pb n’ asparagus.  Granted it’s just a spoonful’ish but oh its sooo yummy!58244 427878417284186 1019462521 n

Who do you look up and admire and why?
My mother – she had to endure a lot in raising me and my siblings.  Like all siblings we fought over the smallest things; like who got the last piece of pizza to who got to cuddle next to her when watching TV.  I know I was more than a handful when growing up and still even more today!  She has always been there for me, cared for me when I had a boo-boo on my hand, but still loved me even when I was “in one of my moods” – believe me I am not a happy camper when I am moody –watch out!  So mom, thank you for your patience, guidance, and your love - I love you so much!

Competition history:
NPC USA 2012 – 3rd, IFBB North Americans 2011 – 2nd, NPC Colorado State 2011 – 3rd

Next competition: I have a few shows on the table but am seeing what fits into the schedule.

Favorite Motivational Quote:
I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am in. Philippians 4:11

Who would you like to thank?
Family, friends, my publicist, my trainer Watty Watt, my sponsors at IronMagLabs, and my adoring fans!  MUAH! XO!  ♥♥♥

Facebook Fan Page - www.facebook.com/head.shannon


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