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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On NPC Womens Physique Competitor: Vanessa Valdez

Spotlight On NPC Womens Physique Competitor: Vanessa Valdez


Category you compete in: Womens Physique
Date of birth: September 8, 1983339466 4333590057219 1737395254 o(2)
Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia
Career: Personal Chef/ Caterer

What is your favorite contest prep recipe? I love being able to have my oatmeal to look forward to in the morning if my coach hasn’t taken it out of my prep yet.  I do a mixture of organic old fashioned oats and oat bran with equal parts flaxseed milk (new milk alternative I discovered this year at Whole Foods) and water. Being a personal chef, I prefer to incorporate fresh, local, and sustainable foods in my clients and my own diet, so I grow a lot of my own vegetables and fruit!  So, I’m not shy when it comes to topping off my morning oatmeal with the allotted serving of fresh blueberries!  Along with a sugar free maple syrup, I like to also add almost lethal amounts of cinnamon and ginger, because  not only do they satisfy sweet cravings, the health benefits of the spices are wonderful too!

What part of your physique are you currently working on?  Since I competed in track and field for almost 15 years, I think my back and legs are freakishly easy to train and whip into shape, but I’ve been really focusing on bringing my ENTIRE body into a more appealing structure, including tightening my glutes and working on tightening my chest.  A few years ago I decided to undergo surgery to have a double mastectomy in which after completely removing the breast tissue, I needed to also undergo a reconstruction to complete my feminine features.  I always thought that having to train a certain way because of  the surgery, that it would hold me back from placing high.  But, it has turned out that it’s not even an issue, which is very comforting to me.  So, I’m continuing to focus on my muscle symmetry and overall condition.

Name one piece of nutrition/fitness advice that has stuck with you. Our bodies are wonderful and powerful accolades of existence! We can bend them and break them in every which way to either conform or perform however we want them to.  Currently I am pursuing to complete my degree in biochemistry and genetic engineering and I have learned just how intricate and powerful the manipulation of diet and exercise can really be in assisting one to reach their health and fitness goals naturally and there are no such things as shortcuts!

If you could compete in one other event (FBB, physique, figure, fitness, bikini) which would it be and why?  Funny you should ask this, because I have recently decided to crossover to FBB.  A couple years ago I competed in Figure, achieved my pro card in a  regional level committee and upon competing in my first pro show with the committee, I was told I was ‘too muscular’.  Discouraged that I would have to shed a few more pounds of muscle to appeal to the liking of the division, I was overjoyed to hear about the new women’s physique divis288185 4333603217548 474727225 o(2)ion.  Although it is still in it’s beginner stages, I’ve competed in two national shows in WPD and was unhappy with my placing.  I’ve always been muscular and heavy for my height and build, and I think it would be healthier for my body to train and compete in a class that appeals more in that favor.  Although this is my current thoughts on competing, I truly desire to stay in the WPD, but with more consideration and conversation with my coaches, we will decide on what the best move for my career would be before competing again in the near future.

Why NPC?: I have always deemed the NPC as the acronym says,,,National Physique Committee.  So why not?

What do you like best about competing? I enjoy the camaraderie amongst the divisions and that almost every competitor has a story or a battle they have beat that brought them to the stage.  I’ve met other hard working single mothers like myself, other people whom have had health scares, weight loss achievements, and just that great feeling of confidence and need to share their story with the world of fitness!  It’s so amazing to me to meet other individuals that share similar stories and listen to how they have overcome or are still overcoming some of their personal battles.    

What are your goals for the future? Well, on the professional front, I’d like to get my organic bakery and café open and running in Atlanta hopefully by next year! Twin Street Bakery & Café, currently offers catering services and in home services, but I’d like to see the cafes name on a marquis and grow my business.

Competition history:  I just competed at the 2012 Team Universe Championships and placed 12th in WPD Class A. Although it was my second national show ever, I think I have come to some major decisions that will slightly change things for me.  I am not done yet!  My goal was to obtain my pro card by my birthday!  I’m a Virgo…so the clock is ticking!

Next competition:  Looking to compete in next month Georgia Coastals in Atlanta.  

Hobbies: I love, love, love, love to bake and cook!  I also enjoy writing and trail running while listening to some amazing Indie music tunes on my Ipod.  I can seriously escape the hustle and bustle of my hectic homelife and just get lost in the woods to the rhythm of my heart and pounding of my feet!   Best way to meditate!

What is the biggest lesson you have learMGN2 (3)ned over the years when it comes to competing? You can only get better!  

What is your favorite contest prep supplement?
I cannot be without a good branch chain amino blend for my water!  I like Muscle Gauge Nutrition’s BCAA Extended mixed with their NO2XL.  It’s like a lifesaver when I’m hitting two and three a day workouts!

Favorite Quote: “DISCIPLINE is just choosing between what you want NOW and what you want MOST!”-unknown


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