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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On NPC Figure Competitor: Elizabeth Jenkins

Spotlight On NPC Figure Competitor: Elizabeth Jenkins

Category you compete iDSC 7743 MZSCUHSWMHn: NPC Figure
Date of birth: November 4, 1984
Hometown: Omaha, NE
Career: Mother/Personal Trainer/Nutritionist

What is your favorite childhood memory? Growing up in a house of  five girls brought many good and a few bad memories!  My favorite memories are those of all the neighborhood kids getting together with my older sisters and playing outdoor games at night.  Ghost in the graveyard was a personal favorite. Others included capture the flag, ball tag, and an intense game of whiffle ball!  I hope to continue this tradition with my son and his friends!

Name a song that motivates you. I haven’t really found a song this prep which really gets me motivated. I love hard rock while weight training.  During my last prep for Nationals, “Fly” by Nicki Minaj & Rihanna, “Make Me Proud” by Drake, and “Champion” by J-Lie always got me motivated to push hard and not give up!


What is your biggest gym pet peeve?  Oh boy!  I have two that I can think of right away.  #1 if you are going to fill the leg press full of 45lb plates PUT YOUR WEIGHT BACK!  I cannot stand it when people do not re-rack the weights. It is so rude!  Not everyone wants to lift as heavy as you. It's proper gym etiquette to strip the machine so that anyone can use it.  #2, is it really necessary to take your shoes off in the squat rack? Do a couple reps then walk around the entire gym barefoot?  When I see people do this I kind of wish they’d drop a weight on their foot. Maybe that would teach them the importance of leaving your shoes on while working out in public!

How do you like to reward yourself? In the past I liked to reward myself by going out for dinner or go out for a drink.  As I got further into my figure career, I saw that as more of a set back for all my hard work, instead of a reward.  So now to reward myself, I will usually stick to one of the following; a cute new workout outfit from Lululemon, buy a pair of training shoes, get a pedicure, or even a massage!  But I am not going lie, Red Mango is a great treat now and then :)
(during the off season that is)

If you could change one things about the world what would it be?  Obesity.  Too many Americans are overweight and it is affecting our children in so many ways.  I would put regulations on all fast food restaurants and companies that produce highly proceIMG 0853ssed foods that are full of simple carbohydrates and chemical additives. I firmly believe sugar is just as addictive as drugs. I would create free programs which would educate people about what foods do to your body. The classes would also teach people how to exercise, encourage them that they can make time to eat healthy and workout, and have programs for children to learn as well.  I strongly believe the healthcare system needs to be more involved in teaching people how to change their ways instead of piling medications on people to treat their conditions. Why mask the problem when we can cure it?  Children should be active and involved in sports. They shouldn’t be worried about type 2 diabetes.

What do you do right before you step onstage? While sitting backstage to help me stay calm, I will listen to Pandora or any music I have on my iPod. I  always make sure to pump up my shoulders a little bit.  Right before stepping on stage, I think of how hard I have worked to make it to this day. I think of my husband and son and how proud of me they are. I tell myself I am strong, beautiful and confident.  I think of the people I have inspired throughout my journey. I then step on stage and give it all I have!

Nook, Book or Kindle? Book for sure!  I am old school and do not even own a Nook or a Kindle.  When I read I want to hold on to the book, kick back and relax!

Competition history:
2nd Place at the 2008 San Francisco
3rd Place at the 2008 Sacramento
3rd Place at the 2009 Contra Costa
3rd Place at the 2010 Contra Costa
3rd Place at the 2010 Sacramento
3rd Place at the 2011 Sacramento
1st Place at the 2011 Battle of Champions
6th Place at the 2011 National Championship

Next competition:
Jr. Nationals on June 16, 2012

If someone followed you for the day what woDSC 5024uld they be most surprised about?
Probably that I am always on the move.  I do not like it when I don’t have something to do. My mom always referred to me as a busy body.  Right now I am in a little transition before New Dawn Nutrition opens up where I will be working. I am going crazy not having something to do at all times!  I can honestly say my house is cleaner and more organized than normal!
What is your preferred tanning product and why? For competition color, Jan Tana gets my vote.  I LOVE this stuff!  The color always turns out perfect for the stage and is easy to keep looking great. It smells good which is a plus on contest day.  I’ve tried others and am always unsatisfied.  Outside of competitions, I will have my best friend, Samantha, spray me with Novell.  This product rocks!  The color is great and it wears very well.  My husband thought it looked so good that he decided to take the spray tan plunge. Now he’s hooked!

Favorite Quote:
Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness. – Earl of Derby

I have always liked this quote because I come across so many people who have one million excuses why they do not have time for exercise.  Unfortunately, these people are not healthy. They find themselves tired all the time, spending time in the doctor’s office, having to make multiple trips to the drug store for their prescriptions, and laid up because they’re body hurts so bad from all the added weight they are carrying around.  If people would sit back and realize that setting aside one hour for exercise is only about 4% of their entire day.  When it comes to our health, we should not be making excuses.

Who would you like to thank?

 I have such a huge support system and am so grateful for all the people in my life.  I first would like to thank my husband, Kyle, for putting up with me especially during contest prep which tends to be almost year round.  My son Landon, for giving me constant motivation and reminding me what’s not on my diet ;). My mom and dad, for being huge supporters of everything I do and encouraging me to follow my dreams. Samantha Hawley, my best friend, who is always DSC 5083there for me no matter what. Brandon Stewart, owner of New Dawn Nutrition, and his beautiful girlfriend, and fellow Team Bombshell athlete, Kelli Hinshaw. They are always there with  constant support, guidance, motivation, and friendship. Both of them are a huge part of our lives.  My sponsor, New Dawn Nutraceuticals, for providing me with great supplements to reach my goals.  My new coach, Ms. Shannon Dey, of Team Bombshell.  All the guys at Figuresupport.com for everything they’ve helped me with.  Kenny Tali, owner of Max Muscle in Walnut Creek, CA, for all of his support and guidance. He is the reason I started competing!

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