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Best Ever Pizza Omelette recipe!


Protein pizza omlette recipeA big complaint from bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts, is different ways to cook eggs and make them taste good/interesting. This recipe is a great way to change things up and make it feel like you're cheating when you're not!



Preparation Time: 5mins


30-60g | Sliced Mushrooms
2-6       | Cherry Tomatoes (chopped)
3-8       | Eggs
1 Tbs   | Macadamia Nut Oil
1x         | Masterfoods Pizza Topper
20-50g | Cheese (Optional)



Step 1-  Heat Macadamia Nut Oil in a pan to a medium/high setting, and turn grill on high.

Step 2- Beat eggs or add to a shaker and shake, then add to a preheated pan.

Step 3- Add mushrooms, tomato, pizza topper and optional cheese then place the eggs under the grill once the eggs are cooked half way through.

Step 4- Once the top has been cooked or has slightly browned then remove from the oven and serve!

protein pizza omelette recipe

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