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Aussie After Hours takes off + Podcast NOW available!


Aussie After Hours podcast itunesAussie After Hours was a long time in the making with a lot of talk about it. Finally Aussie After Hours is here & it has been dam popular, but not a day has gone by since launching the show that I haven't been asked about the podcast, "Will there be a podcast?", "When is the podcast going up?"..... Finally now we can say the podcast has been accepted by iTunes, and now you guys and girls out there can subscribe and have the show automatically be downloaded to your computer or iPhone
via the podcast on iTunes.

Click here to view or subscribe to the the iTunes Podcast

We've so far had 3 episodes which has had many many.... um.... interesting stories come out amongst the gang. The response has been huge! and going forward we plan to add more segments to show and get bigger and better! Click below to listen the episodes on Rx Muscle.

Episode 1

Epsiode 2

Episode 3

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