

IFBB Bikini Pro VaVa Vanessa’s Fit & Fab Lifestyle: Journal 1

IFBB Bikini Pro VaVa Vanessa’s Fit & Fab Lifestyle: Journal 1

I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day. I know I did! This past wVanessaPrebyl432-Editeek/weekend had to be one of the best this year! First, My husband and I spent a whole week in Las Vegas.  Awe, how I love Vegas. The pools, shopping, nightclubs, restaurants and of course can’t forget about the poker tables!  I have a flawless poker face that always wins me the pot! So yes, you did read that right, a whole week!  That right, a whole week of lounging by the beach at Mandalay, gambling, shopping at the Forum Shops and Fashion Show Mall, and sampling all the delicious food!! And I sampled it all!  Hey I did my cardio and then some.  I must have walked Las Vegas Blvd. about six times!  By the time I got home, my quads, glutes and calves where begging for a looooooong deep tissue massage.  

But the fun wasn’t over!  It was Mother’s Day weekend and I have one of the best mom’s out there.  Well maybe not the best, but definitely the most lively!!! I took my mom and sister out for Italian food. Yum Yummy! My mom is Italian so when ever she is around expect to see this little 4’11” woman with arms flailing everywhere and talking about embarrassing old stories. She is a riot. ;o) Aside from all of the annoyed faces around the restaurant, we had a blast!

Next was my hubby’s turn.  He had wanted to see the Avengers and I decided that I would take him on a date!Las Vegas Pool  I think I liked that movie more than he did.  I’ll let you all in on a little secret.  When I’m in my bikini up on that stage competing, my alter ego of being a superhero comes out and there is no stopping me!  Well, I could feel my alter ego begging to come out and if there weren’t children in that movie theater, I probably would have thrown on my bikini and heels and worked that movie isle!  Girl, that movie had me pumped!

But all good things must come to an end and the week has started and I am back to the grind.  Have you ever noticed that your first day back to work from a vacation tends to drag on forever?  I’m pretty sure I must have looked at the clock 20 times within the first 5 minutes of being there.  I’ll have to let you know how the next FIVE days go!

Hopefully by next week, I will be back in balance with my normal routine of living a fit and fabulous life!

Well, after last years Olympia my husband and I went on vacation for 2 months. Yep, you heard me. 2 months! We went to Thailand, Las Vegas, Bora Bora, Las Vegas (yes again), and Disneyland. Sheww…

Until next time.....

Vanessa Prebyl

IFBB Bikini Pro

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