

Spotlight On NPC Figure Competitor: Amie Lynn Adcock




Category you compete in: NPC Figure

Date of birth: 11/5/84

Hometown: Woodbury Heights, NJ

Career: Personal Trainer/Nutrition Coach


If you could change into a superhero for a day who would you be and why?

I already AM a superhero!! I work, train six days a week for my competitions, run my house, take care of my four future step-kids, and still have time to whip up gourmet meals and look pretty for my fiancé. I pretty much rule…but if I had to pick an actual superhero it would definitely be Wonder Woman. She’s beautiful, rules the world and does it all while looking amazing in those short shorts and high boots. Plus she has awesome long black hair and so do I.

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What made you begin dedicating your lifestyle to this sport?

I started changing my unhealthy lifestyle after I graduated college. I gained a tremendous passion for clean eating and lifting heavy things and putting them down. I loved them so much that I quit my corporate job and became a personal trainer. But when working out and eating clean became an everyday habit, I realized I needed something else to challenge me. I used to play softball and field hockey but I didn’t feel like that was it. Then I discovered the sport of figure, and I found a way to unleash my competitive nature. Once I started training for my first show, I unleashed a drive that surprised me, and I loved it. Being on stage is such a high for me, and I’d have to say that would be my favorite part of it all. I’m hooked and I plan on continuing to grow and compete as long as I can! 


What approach do you take to dieting...carb cycle..keto?

I always eat clean, but it really depends on how my body is shaping up. I unfortunately tend to hold onto body fat, so it’s harder for me to drop it. Typically, carb cycling gets me over a plateau, and it gives my metabolism a major boost. Plus it feeds my carb cravings! I also don’t mind boring food. I’m perfectly happy eating chicken, broccoli and brown rice every day as long as I get to have an epic cheat meal once a week in the off season! (By epic, I’m talking pizza, a cheeseburger, hoagie, Chickie’s and Pete’s crabby fries, AND red velvet cake Pop Tarts…all in one sitting. Don’t judge me- you know it sounds amazing.)


What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about competing?

Most don’t view this as a sport! Just because we aren’t training ourselves to run down a field or throw a ball doesn’t mean we aren’t athletes. We just focus on the aesthetic aspect of the body instead. It still takes drive, dedication and yes, genetics to a degree. I am constantly defending this sport to those who don’t understand why I do it. Olympic athletes train the313240 739151717186 1839375694 nir bodies to run faster, lift heavier or jump higher. We train our bodies to look almost perfect. I mean come on…my sport is called FIGURE. Although I train for aesthetics, I probably can run harder, jump higher and lift heavier than almost anyone I know. Sports require hard work no matter what and only those who really push themselves will succeed in the sport of their choice.   


What is your most embarrassing childhood memory?

When I was five, I accidentally messed in my underwear, and it wasn’t pretty. I hid the underwear behind the washing machine, thinking after I played with my friends, I could hand wash it before my mom saw. While playing hide and seek in my basement, one of my friends found the underwear and held it up for everyone to see!! Pretty sure they’ll never let me live that one down and now a whole lot of strangers won’t either!


What is the biggest lesson you have learned about YOURSELF during your contest prep?

When I find something I am passionate about, I need to stick with it, even when others don’t support me. I didn’t have much support for my first figure show, and I succeeded because I believed in myself and the sport. Do what makes you happy and don’t let anyone talk you out of your dreams.


Who do you look up to and admire and why?

Nicole Wilkins, no question.  Nicole’s attitude, drive, and of course, her physique, were what first interested me in the sport of figure. I remember seeing her in a magazine and without thinking, said to myself, “I want a body like that.” That was three years ago, and she still continues to amaze me. I love watching her training clips and “Ask Nicole” segments. I think she is the ultimate combination of beauty and muscle and she inspires me to constantly push myself to not only develop a better muscular base, but inspire others in the field of fitness. 


Competition history:

2011 NPC Mid-Atlantic, 2nd Place Figure Short


Next co248082 686289738016 2694414 nmpetition:

2014 NPC South Jersey


Favorite Motivational Quote: 

Focus on what you want your LIFE to look like, not just your BODY. – Sarah Failla


Who would you like to thank?

Most importantly, my fiancé, Bill.  He supports my training and competitions 100% and is always there to motivate and push me when I’m feeling defeated or reaching for my secret stash of red velvet cake Pop Tarts. And his four kids are now drinking protein shakes and cleaning out my broccoli stash.

I’d also like to thank my girlfriends, Natalia, Jenn and Christine for their daily text conversations and for being my cheerleaders. You ladies always brighten up my days and even though you may not completely understand the sport of figure, you support and believe in me and are there for me no matter what.

And finally, my parents. They were not originally happy with my decision to compete, but after seeing me on stage, they cheer louder than anyone else for me. I couldn’t do it without them.


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