The Giacomin Twins Know Weights (Part I)

The Giacomin twins, Andrew and Louie, are dedicated to the house of iron. Upon meeting them there was no doubt of their work ethic in the gym. Today’s workout focus is with Andrew. We are going to blast the shoulders. Andrew Giacomin is ready for any training challenge. Here is a young man that will make his mark in the Physique Division if he sets his mind to it. He is 19 years old and has the muscle maturity and balance of a man 6 years his senior. He really got into training about 4 years ago when a lot of his football playing classmates started hitting the gym. Though he was not on the gridiron like his brother, Andrew was instead on the field as a Lacrosse player.


He dealt with a set back early on in his training career in the form of a shoulder injury. He quickly found the benefit of lifting both in the form of rehabbing the shoulder and in his performance on the Lacrosse field. The added size and strength has helped his performance as well as prevent more injuries. Many athletes have dealt with setback and Andrew is a prime example of what you can accomplish when you set your mind to it. Andrew is building this chiseled physique while he studies towards his degree as college in Huntington Beach.

When we met up for a workout at Gold’s Gym in Venice, I could see Andrew was ready to prove himself. That is exactly what he did! At every step and every set Andrew was up for the challenge and destroyed a grueling shoulder workout.

The Lift:


Side Raise 2x15

Front Raises 2x15

Rear Delt Raises 2x15

These exercises are done with light weight to get all three heads of the deltoid ready to handle the onslaught they are about to undergo. Andrew is chomping at the bit at this point to move some real weight so we jump into Dumbbell Shoulder Press next.

Dumbbell Shoulder Press 5x15,15,12,12,10


This exercise hits the entire shoulder and is great for building mass. You will hear many trainers will talk about stabilizer muscles, well the Dumbbell shoulder press challenges all these stabilizers. It is an oldie but a goody.

Next we move into Side Raises with Dumbbells again. Dumbbells allow your arms to go through a natural range of motion. This is an awesome exercise to help build the “cap” on the outer portion of the shoulder. Check out Andrew’s shoulder caps getting a great pump on this lift.

Dumbbell Side Raise 5x15,15,12,12,10


Once the outer part of the delts is on fire we switch over to a Front Raise with the Dumbbells. This builds up the front of the shoulder. Veins are popping up all over our shoulders during this lift!

ProNote: Improves Bench Press and increases overall shape of the shoulder.

Dumbbell Front Raise: 5x15,15,12,12,10


At this point of the workout both Andrew’s and my shoulders are feeling pretty trashed; however, the rear delts still have a little fire left in then so we move on to a rear delt exercise as the rest of the shoulder recovers. To accomplish this we hit a rear fly on the peck deck. We can both feel the pump and the rear delt blows up and finishes rounding out the appearance of the shoulder. You can see striations making themselves apparent clearly on this exercise.

Rear Fly (peck deck): 5x20,15,15,15,10


At this point all three heads of our delts are burnt so we decide it’s time to kick it up a notch! This is where results start. We move into Arnold Press. This is an awesome pressing exercise that fully incorporates all portions of the shoulder due to the added movement in the exercise.

Arnold Press: 4x10




The pump is crazy and we decide to round out the workout with some more rear delt raises as for most people the rear delt is the area of the shoulder that is lacking. A defined rear deltoid makes the whole upper frame look more impressive. We hit Dumbbell Rear Fly to finish it off.

Dumbbell Rear Fly: 3x15


At this point all major heads are destroyed and screaming for nutrients to repair and rebuild; but, we say not yet. We his some “pre-hab” exercises often neglected. These two exercises will keep your shoulders strong and healthy for years to come.

External Shoulder Rotation: 2x25,20


Internal Shoulder Rotation: 2x25,20


Do these at the end of a workout NOT the beginning. If you fatigue these muscles before doing the other exercises such as Overhead Press you are putting yourself at increased risk of injury instead of reducing the risk.

There you have it! This workout burned up both of our shoulders. This is a great workout to build mass and increase the striations you will see in your shoulders. Adding the “pre-hab” at the end of the workout will keep you healthy so you can keep training and getting results. Andrew proved himself to be a force in the gym. With his continued discipline, he has the tools to be a force on the stage as well.

Now get into the gym and create the physique you deserve…You can bet Andrew is in the gym getting his! Now it’s time to rest up and get ready for the next big workout with Andrew’s twin, Louie. Check back soon to see Louie tear up the gym with a massive chest workout!

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