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2013 NABBA Southern Hemispheres Preview!

2013 NABBA Southern Hemisphere preview steve orton phil primmer jake nikolopoulos daryll tomuliThe 2013 NABBA/WFF Southern Hemispheres is looking to be a massive contest this year, as it was last year. Bodybuilders from around Australia will decend on the Gold Coast, more sepcifically Coolangatta to take their hardwork to the stage, Sunday the 26th of May. Promoter Mark Ryan is accomodating Rx Muscle Australia at the event where we will bring our best contest coverage with a LIVE Play by Play with images/results, contest image gallery, athlete interviews, & our always popular wrap-up video.

We're going to talk about 4 guys who we can see taking out the NABBA Overall title this year as it is a hottly contested title this year that appears to be up for grabs to whoever bring their best package.


Jake NikolopoulosJake Nikolopoulos:
The defending champ Jake Nikolopoulos will be coming back this year to see if he can bring a harder package to the stage in Australia, as last year he was holding his best off for the NABBA Worlds where he peaked at around 94kg. Jake was interviewed on Aussie Muscle Radio epsiode #51 (Click here to listen), Jake explained some hardships he had gone through and after having some minor injury issues that needed resting post Worlds. This has left some people wondering if he will come in much harder this year, or whether we might see a slightly smaller Jake? We'll have to wait and see as we are yet to see Jake so far this year, if we are to see a much harder Jake many people including myself would say Jake is a lock for a second Southern Hemisphere title.


Phil PrimmerPhil Primmer:
Last year Phil impressed & shocked many people at the Southerns last year losing in a close decsion in the Overall against Jake. We had heard it was a battle between Charlie Duca & Jake Nikolopoulos going into the show, but Phil's razor sharp conditioning and dryness had some people tipping him to take out Jake in the overall. It wasn't to be for Phil last year, but this may be Phil's year as we saw Phil at the Salt Water Classic in Darwin and Phil is on once again, so we know he'll be there or there abouts.


Steve OrtonSteve Orton:
23 year old phenom Steve Orton took out the 2013 NABBA International Overall just 1 week before the Southern Hemisphere Championships, Steve was big to say the least. The questions is whether Steve will have the conditioning level to take out the 2013 Southern Hemishere overall title. While Steve wasn't at his best at the International, he's told us no last week prep with no water/sodium manipulation, or carb loading. It will be interesting to see how much of an effect this will make. No doubt regardless this guys has a big future with a strong mindset. Click here to listen to the latest interview with Steve on Aussie Muscle Radio Episode #55.


Daryll TomuliDaryll Tomuli:
Daryll may have the same problem as Steve and that's conditioning. In 2010 Daryll placed 2nd to Scott Goble in the IFBB nationals and he lost that on condition. Daryll easily took out the NABBA Overall at the South Pacific championships 2 weeks prior to this weekends Southern's, but at this show Daryll didn't look in tight enough condition to take a Southerns Overall. In an interview with Xavier Wills of Rx Muscle after his overall win 2 weeks ago, he told us of his plan to come in leaner & harder at the Southern Hemispheres, if Daryll can get hard enough he can no doubt be a contender. Click here to watch Xavier interview Daryll.


*Note: We've hear rumor that Lee Priest may be competing tomorrow. Stay tuned for more info and confirmation.

For all your Southern Hemishperes Coverage make sure you check back with www.rxmuscle.com.au.

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