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Evan Centopani Australian Tour!

Evan Centopani Australian Tour slideEvan Centopani, after declining Tony Doherty's pleas to come out to Australian earlier this year for the 2012 Australian Pro Grand Prix, has made an agreement to come out for an Australian tour later this year.

Evan will be appearing, and guest posing at at least 3 IFBB shows including the Queensland, Victorian, NSW/Nationals bodybuilding competitions, & possibly an Adelaide state title.

Many of you will be thinking "wait a second, Adelaide titles? What IFBB Adelaide titles?" Well it appears this year Adelaide may have a IFBB state show or at minimum will be hosting Evan Centopani for a guest appearance, although we have nothing official, or have even been told anything yet, but as you can see on the poster below, directly under "October- IFBB" it has 4 locations which includes the usual appearance shows for the October guest poser that comes out, but this time Adelaide has been added to the list. We'll have to wait and see if a state show is what eventuates from this for Adelaide.

We have to credit Tony Doherty once again for bringing out another one of the top IFBB Pro Bodybuilders to Australia. Australia is yet to see Evan Centopani on Australia soil, and is one of the last top pro's yet to come out here, the only other top bodybuilder to come to mind is Victor Martinez who I'm sure Tony will be trying to bring out for next years show Australian Pro Grand Prix if Victor chooses to comeback at the Arnold Classic.

Evan Centopani Australian Tour

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