



Approach any woman trainer in the throes of PMS and casually inform her that she has a natural hormone advantage over her fellow male trainers and I guarantee you the response will not be pretty. The simple fact is that Pre Menstrual Syndrome can seriously mess with your state of mind causing mood swings, irritability and even tearfulness for no apparent reason.

However, what if I was to tell you that you could actually use your hormones to your advantage when it comes to both your diet and your training… Interested?

Then read on…. 


Women actually have a metabolic advantage when it comes to fat use during exercise. This is due to a higher level of circulating estrogen, with higher estrogen levels actually making it easier for a woman to tap into fat stores during exercise than men.

In addition, women have a higher percentage of ‘slow-twitch’ muscle fibers (also known as ‘endurance’ fibers), which actually burn more fat during activity and at rest. This compensates for the fact that women tend to store higher levels of fat in muscle, since the extra fat actually gives the female athlete more endurance during prolonged activity.

In addition, the greater use of fat during exercise spares muscle glycogen, which once again boosts performance levels by assisting endurance. 


One of the biggest mistakes women make is they throw themselves into deprivation diets. When you restrict calories you are not doing yourself any dietary favors. Consuming too few calories actually lowers your metabolic rate, which in turn increases body fat levels. Low energy intake also results in fatigue; mood swings and lowered performance levels.

As is this wasn’t enough, women who do not consume sufficient calories for their daily needs actually display decreased thyroid hormone activity, which once again leads to lethargy and weight, gain. Add to this the increased likelihood of nutrient deficiency, fertility problems and possible bone mass deterioration and you should have more than enough reasons to change your relationship with food and calories from one of suspicion and distrust to one of love and understanding! 


You may be familiar with the term ‘anabolic window’ which refers to the period of time following exercise when your body is at its most metabolically active in terms of protein synthesis and glycogen replacement. However, did you also know that resistance training can actually keep your resting metabolic rate elevated for up to 36 hours! This is very important when it comes to the storage of body fat. With this in mind it would therefore be wise to consume most of your calories after training.


It is also very important to note that women tend to handle CARBOHYDRATES differently to men, using less glycogen during training and synthesizing less following a workout.

However, this does not mean that women should shun carbohydrate intake, as carbohydrates are a necessary part of energy production and recovery from strenuous workouts. Instead it is important that carbs be of the low glycemic variety as they do not spike insulin levels like their ‘fast carb’ cousins. Low glycemic carbs are whole grains, vegetables and fruits. The high fiber content of unrefined carbs slows down their release into the system and keeps energy levels balanced.

In terms of PROTEIN intake women do not burn as much protein during exercise as their male counterparts as they have a greater ability to burn fat as a preferred source of energy (which has to be good news!). However, the downside of this is that women do not synthesize protein post workout as efficiently as men. In order to address this fact it is recommended that women eat small amounts of protein and carbohydrate after exercise and throughout the day in order to assist anabolism.

As far as FAT is concerned, some women treat fat as if it was a viral infection, taking every possible action to avoid it. This is a dietary ‘no-no’ as fat is needed to maintain sex hormone function and too little may result in menstrual disturbances. Add to this the fact that consuming less than 15% of calories from fat can lead to a fatty acid deficiency which can actually slow down the fat burning process as well as open the door to a host of other health problems. The fact is that women should get around 25-30% of their calories from ‘good fats’ (lean protein, oily fish, nuts, flaxseed oil, safflower, canola and olive oil). 


Talking of hormones, the hormonal changes a woman goes through each month can actually be used to her advantage. In fact it has been observed that women have greater strength and endurance capacity towards the end of their menstrual cycle.

In order to understand this we must first look at the three phases of the menstrual cycle: 

  1. The MENSTRUAL phase: The four to five days you have your period.
  2. The FOLLICULAR phase: The day after your period stops to the time an egg is released by the ovaries (ovulation)
  3. The LUTEAL phase: From ovulation to the day your period starts.

Of the three phases it is the Luteal phase which seems to display the most potential in terms of performance enhancement. During this phase there are noticeable metabolic effects including:

  1. Increased fat burning.
  2. Increased metabolic rate.
  3. Increased core temperature.
  4. Increased insulin levels.
  5. Increased growth hormone levels.
  6. Changes in immune function and small increases in testosterone levels.

On top of all this, it has been found that a woman has greater strength and endurance levels during this phase. Metabolism following exercise is boosted and adrenaline levels show a marked reduction, which in turn leads to less lactic acid build up, and a decrease in the breakdown of carbohydrates during exercise (once again contributing to endurance).

Now you may think that a decreased rate of carbohydrate breakdown during exercise would be a bad thing, however, if you take into consideration the fact that during the luteal phase a woman’s ability to burn fat actually increases the picture begins to look brighter. Add to this an increase in growth hormone secretion which can assist in the building of lean muscle mass and you have a pretty strong case for growing to love the luteal phase like a post contest diet bagel! 


Estrogen is often given a hard time in the ‘muscle press’ and a great deal of time is spent finding ways to evacuate this hormone from your system as if it were a lethal virus. However, when it comes to growth hormone (the hormone that keeps you lean and strong) women have higher resting levels than men BECAUSE of estrogen. Even when men were given extra estrogen in some experimental studies their GH levels showed significant increases – although this does not mean that men everywhere should rush to steal their girlfriends’ birth control pills, this is not the time for genetic experiments!

Estrogen in women also has favorable effects on the heart – reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease – and enhances bone mass formation, which protects against the occurrence of osteoporosis later in life.

It has also been noted that estrogen has favorable properties in terms of the growth and maintenance of lean muscle mass, with women post menopause displaying a reduction in lean muscle tissue. Estrogen has also displayed anti-inflammatory qualities, which may assist the recuperation process post exercise. 


In conclusion, the chromosome and hormone collaboration that makes you a woman can actually be a bonus rather than the previously believed handicap when it comes to working out and gaining lean muscle mass. By tracking your menstrual cycle and paying attention to your special dietary needs you can become a powerhouse in the gym and function at a higher level in your daily life. So perhaps the latest, greatest new sports supplement doesn’t come in a bottle or a ring-top can…it begins at conception when the chromosomes get together and decide which team to form….team XX or team XY. 

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