Muscle Girls Inc. (03-10-09): Ziville Raudoniene and Jen Hendershott



2009 Arnold Weekend Ms. International Report with special appearance by industry insider, Lauren Powers.

2009 Ms Figure International winner, Ziville Raudoniene changes the face of her sport with a sexy, sleek, marketable look. Find out how her 4 hour daily workouts made her the best in the business. Also, what's next for the Lithuanian beauty? Ziville talks about rumors surrounding her possible switch to Bikini.

2x Ms Fitness International and 2x Ms. Fitness Olympia Champ Jennifer Hendershott known for her Phat Camps and outrageous fitness routines will be talking with us about why she almost quit the sport she loves.


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Muscle Girls Inc. (03-03-09): Iris Kyle and Monica Brant



Premier episode with hosts Colette Nelson and Krissy Chin!

Physique Model and 1998 Ms Fitness Olympia Monica Brant stops by to chat with the girls about her return to the stage at Ms. International

Next, 5x Ms Olympia Iris Kyle calls in to fill the girls in on how her upcoming Ms. International prep is coming.  Find out what tricks Ms. Olympia has up her sleeves!


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