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  1. #1
    The Technician Chris Aceto's Avatar
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    Default SciTec Nutrition 2015 IFBB Arnold EUROPE. Play by Play with Chris Aceto

    Press pass in hand ready to cover the show ! I love Brazil lol!
    Submit Ask Dave & Stump the Jumbo questions to [email protected]

  2. #2
    Rx Muscle Radio Programming Guru and Video Editing Director
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  5. #5
    The Technician Chris Aceto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyStyles View Post
    Deep field here today. Was able to get back stage for a bit ..... Everyone has their own little space staked out and marked. Odd thing with being backstage ? It's no indication of what these guys look like u set the lights
    Submit Ask Dave & Stump the Jumbo questions to [email protected]

  6. #6
    Rx Muscle Radio Programming Guru and Video Editing Director
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  12. #12
    The Technician Chris Aceto's Avatar
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    BRANDON CURRY. Looks better here then last week. Tightened up looks fuller and tighter great front double and lay spread. From behind he's tighter but not tight enough really good most muscular

    RAMY. Huge huge . About what he looked like in prej at Olympia . Nope he's tighter from behind. He's in the Saturday night condition lots of beef great presentation. Can use more detail in quads

    FRED SMALLS. Sponsored by con cret . He looks good legs are fuller then last week I would say from the front he's better then the Olympia and from behind worse still been good year for Fred

    ROELLY WINKLAR sharp. Flat in quads that's been N issue for him his entire career ( when he does back to back shows ) side chest is amazing hams and glutes are sharp wide back later spread. Back double needs more pop

    ALEXANDER FEDEROV. Massive legs BIG man. Hams from side are silly. Harder here overall then earlier in year Lot of beef in back shots! I mean a lot. Quads are striated

    JUAN MOREL. Fuller for sure sure this week but quads holding a film water everything is pretty much right there but has slight film water

    DEXTER JACKSON. Full swagger ! Tight ! Legs are have issue separating on front shots. ????? Side chest pops like crazy glutes and hams they have been in for a quarter century. Christmas tree looks sharp.... better at the Olympia

    DENNIS WOLF woooooolf. Crowd hates him lol ! Quads are deep in separation big front double that opens up rolling pecs on front lay spread. Best color in show. Glutes sharper here then last week Impressive back double I think he's a little flat it's visible in side shots Also visible in back lay spread. He did exactly what I would have advised. Get more peeled to take out that son of a bitch Dexter Dennis most musc is out out outstanding

    MICHAEL KEFLIANOS Mike is in good shape but we have seen him inside out peeled as in " how did you do that " here he is in good shape but for him it's far from his exceptionalism

    ALEXANDER LUSUCOV Probably leanest I have seen him but it seems like the Alexander people been waiting for stays home inn Russia. He's too soft from behind.

    VICTOR MARTINEZ won this show ( 2011 with me) filled out since last week but spilled a bit in carb process ? Structure looks really good here today. Probably bigger then anytime this year just needs be sharper most musc and side chest are best shots

    SHAWN. RHODEN looks massive v taper in back lat looks great great hands on hips most musc glutes and hams pretty dialed

    ZACK KHAN shaking a bit on stage . Massive freak not as hard as last time he competed

    CARLOS ARSENCIO from Spain peeled back double paper thin skin very sharp and great showing. He just amongst the land of freaks

    STEVE KUCKLO I think he is fuller and tighter then last week . Side chest is full and hard glutes and hams are also hard back need more thickness. He's like a wolf he has the be 100 percent on money to do major damage. It's the frames. They are nuts

    WILLIAM BONAC better this week front double is really good side chest also ! Peeled glutes nice presentation huge most muscular. Dense dense dense in that shot !

    Arnold Schwarzenegger. Needs legs ( so says Heath )
    Submit Ask Dave & Stump the Jumbo questions to [email protected]

  13. #13
    Rx Muscle Radio Programming Guru and Video Editing Director
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    Ramy is in guest posing condition and he looks crazy.

    Imagine if Chris brings him I shape. Geeezussss

  14. #14
    Administrator Mac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyStyles View Post
    Ramy is in guest posing condition and he looks crazy.

    Imagine if Chris brings him I shape. Geeezussss
    Mind blown

  15. #15

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