Nutrition and Training

Mike Francois at Westside Barbell!

Mike_Francois_99Although forced into retirement ten years ago by a genetic disease (ulcerative colitis), Mike Francois still has a strong following in a sport known for its short memory. Some may attribute his popularity to his meteoric rise - winning the Nationals on his second attempt and then dominating in his first three pro shows, including a decisive victory over Flex Wheeler

at the 1995 Arnold Classic.


Westside Barbell Basics!

Louie2If you are not familiar with Westside Barbell or the revolutionary training techniques pioneered by the club's founder Louie Simmons, here is a quick primer:

Westside Barbell is named after a famous (perhaps the first) powerlifting gym in Culver City, California during the sixties, which was when the sport was first being solidified from what was often called the "Odd Lifts." While Olympic lifting was the popular iron sport of the time, powerlifting utilized "slow lifts" that were popularly practiced in the gym. Over time, this evolved into the three core lifts of the squat, bench press and deadlift.


Taurine. . . Under the Spotlight!

Taurine is often referred to as a ‘conditionally essential' nutrient since the body is able to synthesize it from the amino acids methionine and cysteine. In order for this process to be executed there also has to be a sufficient amount of vitamin B6 present. The fact that Taurine is often overlooked when it comes to putting together a supplement plan makes it even more worthy of our attention. In fact, supplementing with Taurine can have a valuable impact on not only your training, but also your overall health.


Power Pulls: Great Errectors, Glutes, and Hams!

FrancoisMike107The training of bodybuilders and powerlifters varies widely - in particular when it comes to the value of deadlifting. This is unfortunate because most bodybuilders would benefit greatly from the type of heavy pulls that Ronnie Coleman and Mike Francois have used to build their impressive physiques.

Sadly, most bodybuilders rely on two to three quick sets of hyperextensions as their sole spinal erector and hip movement. The hip is the largest joint in the body. When one considers the amount of muscle that crosses the posterior half of the hip joint (gluteus maximus, spinal erector, hamstrings) as well as the muscles which articulate along the length of the spine and their potential for strength, these sleepy-eyed, half-assed hypers truly seem pathetic.


Green-Lipped Muscle Extract: The Forgotten Nutrients!

Green Lipped Mussel(Perna canaliculus) is a shellfish from New Zealand and it has been ranked among the top ‘eco-friendly seafood's' by the US environmental agency, Blue Ocean Institute. It is grown on ropes suspended from platforms on the surface of the ocean. The mussels obtain their nutrients directly from the phyto-plankton and minerals in sea water. When the mussels hit their ‘peak' they are harvested with the edible portion being freeze dried using low temperatures. Each batch is analyzed to ensure that no bacteria and heavy metals are present and it must meet with the guidelines laid down by the New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries.


Under the Spotlgiht: Vitamin-B12!

Vitamin B12 has earned the reputation of being an energy booster and an appetite stimulant and it's for this reason that many bodybuilders and athletes choose to supplement their diet with this nutrient. It can also be a worthy addition to post cycle treatment (PCT) since it's on discontinuing the use of anabolic agents that most athletes are likely to find their energy and appetite levels fallin


Stuff I Like: 6-30-09

Obesity in our society, and the escalating health problems associated with it, are a constant topic on Heavy Muscle Radio, SuperHuman Radio, and throughout the forums of Rxmuscle. Eating disorders may be common in the bodybuilding world, but most of our body-identity issues are subtle compared to what is seen on any walk through your local Wal-Mart. One excuse has long been that restaurant chains, notably fast-food vendors, don't display nutritional data for their customers. Well, that lame-duck argument is disappearing, as a new national law is in the works that will require restaurant chains with at least 20 locations to post calorie counts on their menus. Included are the following stipulations:


Diabetes and Bodybuilding. . . An Unusual Partnership!

Sometimes life presents us with very interesting challenges that may, when first introduced seem disastrous, but over the long term can actually be life transforming. Being diagnosed with diabetes is one of those double-edged swords that cut through the fabric of our life and leave it changed forever. However, as athletes we have learned to use our minds as well as our bodies in order to produce the best results. Now I am by no means saying that having diabetes is a great asset to your sporting career. However, with the right mental attitude you can make it work with you instead of against you and welcome the challenge it presents rather than digging yourself into a hole of hopelessness. So if you have diabetes, or know someone who has, read on and learn a little more of how it can be successfully integrated into your lifestyle as a bodybuilder...


Stuff I Like: 6-23-09

blocks_image_30_1Film maker Stuart MacDonald asked himself the question thousands have wondered about:  Just what would it take to change my body into that of the guy in the fitness advertisements? But MacDonald took it a step further, seeking out IFBB pro bodybuilder Jeff Willett, who is the guy in the ads and owns a gym. At 42 years old, with a 44-inch waist and a soft physique nearly 30% bodyfat, MacDonald must have appeared a daunting project. Nonetheless, Willett decided he'd teach Stuart how to train, set up meal plans for him, and otherwise guide him through the entire process. "I Want To Look Like That Guy" is an entertaining documentary of the roller coaster ride that ensued. MacDonald had no idea what he was getting into.


Stuff I Like: 6-16-09

EFSBenchManual-300I'm a longtime admirer of Tate, so I come to this review of his manual with a certain pre-conceived notion that it's bound to be an effective and instructive book. And it is; let me tell you a few reasons why.

Tate sets out to teach lifters how to become better competitive bench pressers; there is no bodybuilding aspect to his Bench Press Manual, and he doesn't pretend otherwise. Gritty photographs taken inside the legendary Westside Barbell Club workout area set the tone. These remarkable black & white pics make me sweat, and feel like I should be training right now.


GABA. . . The Forgotten Nutriients

Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) is an amino acid that is actually classified as a neurotransmitter. It functions like a natural tranquilizer by taking up residence in the nerve receptor sites in the brain which are normally reserved for stress and anxiety. In this respect it is highly regarded and frequently used in the treatment of panic/anxiety attacks and as a sleep enhancer. However, this remarkable substance has so much more to offer than just assisting you in obtaining a good night's sleep. Here are just a few of the benefits to be gained from the regular use of this supplement:


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