Fitness Factoids: Volume 43

Fitness Factoids: Volume 43


Cinnamon Mfotolia cinnamonay Be Able To Lower Blood Sugar

To date over 25 million American have been diagnosed with diabetes, and it’s suspected that upwards of 80 million more Americans are pre-diabetic. As general has precipitously declined, and waistlines dramatically expanded, people have been searching for new ways to help control excessive blood sugars. According to new research published in the Journal of Medicinal Food adding a daily dose of cinnamon to your diet may be an effective tool to help combat elevated blood sugar. The meta-analysis reported by The University of California Davis found that cinnamon has the ability to lower blood glucose levels by approximately 5%. Researchers do note that there can be too much of a good thing as excessive consumption can lead to reversible liver damage, but consuming up to one teaspoon per day is enough to be safely effective.


Nutrition Influegood nutrition pays 1204x758nces Circadian Rhythms

The body’s internal clock that is naturally synced with our sleep/wake cycles is known as our circadian rhythms. According to new data that has been published in the journal Cell our nutrition plays a critical role in maintaining normal healthy circadian rhythms. The study, which was conducted by scientists at UC Irvine University, found that high fat diets disrupt molecular processes in the liver that regulate circadian rhythms. The researchers determined that high fat diets blocked normal cycles of our clock regulating genes in the liver. Researchers noted that the changes occurred independent of obesity which is often associated with impairing liver function due to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.


Milk Boosts Efficacy ofglass-of-milk EGCG

The active health boosting components known as polyphenols which are found in things such as tea, coffee, fruits, and vegetables have been associated with the ability to improve health in a variety of ways. EGCG is a polyphenol derived from green tea that has become a popular weight loss supplement in recent years. According to new research published in the Journal of Dairy Science, when EGCG is diluted in skim milk more bioactive compounds remain available. The study found that although it’s very in high concentrations, EGCG isn’t highly bioavailable. Researchers found that by diluting EGCG in skim milk they were able to increase the bioavailability of the polyphenols in EGCG. The study reported that high concentrations of EGCG were able to kill nearly 80% of cancer cells in laboratory studies, and researchers now plan to further develop studies to test the efficacy of the treatment.


Antioxidants and Magnesium Hecan-you-hear-me-now1lp Reduce Hearing Loss

Antioxidants are powerful weapons in our constant struggle to prevent damaging free radicals from wreaking havoc on our system; and magnesium is the 4th most abundant mineral in the body and is responsible for maintaining normal blood pressure, bone strength, and healthy heart rhythms. According to new data published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, antioxidant and magnesium supplementation may have the ability to help reduce hearing loss. The meta-analysis compiled data from 2592 participants from studies during the years 2001-2004. The results showed increasing intakes of beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E that participants showed no significant signs of improvement. However, when the same antioxidants were combined with magnesium a significant increase occurred. So, the next time that your wife or girlfriend asks you why don’t you ever listen to her, you should coolly respond by saying that you are listening – your magnesium levels just must not be high enough.


Eating Speed Determinman v food logo squarees How Soon You’ll Feel Hungry Again

If you’re someone who prefers to suck down every meal like you’re auditioning to become the new host of Man vs. Food, but just can’t ever seem to stick to your diet, you may want to consider trading in your funnel for a fork. According into a new study conducted by Texas Christian University the faster we eat our meals, the sooner we will become hungry again. Researchers took two groups of normal weight individuals and gave them two meals of equal caloric value. During one meal participants were instructed to eat as quickly as possible, while during the second meal they were instructed to chew their food thoroughly and eat with a more deliberate pace. Researchers found that both groups reported feeling hungry again sooner after their speed feeding leading them to purpose that eating meals slowly leads to greater hunger suppression.


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