Fitness Factoids: Volume 82

Studyboneloss Identifies Potent New Supplement

Bone loss and degradation of connective tissues is one of the inescapable realities of aging. And although resistance training has been proven to have a protective and strengthening effect that slows age related bone loss, but none-the-less there’s still no escaping father time. Traditionally supplements containing both Vitamin D and Calcium have been used as remedies to aid in calcium absorption in an effort to slow bone loss. But a new study conducted by Florida State University has found that the dietary supplement calcium collagen-chelate is actually far more effective at slowing age related bone loss in women. The study split 39 women into two groups: one of which received calcium and vitamin D, and the other which received calcium collagen-chelate supplements. The study monitored the women for one year and found that calcium collagen-chelate was nearly twice as effective at slowing bone loss as was the vitamin D and calcium combination.



Soda Consumption Linked to Shortened Telomeres

Each sodacell in our body contains chromosomes. Each chromosome contains DNA information that allows our cells to replicate and divide properly. At the end of each chromosome, small caps known as telomeres that exist to protect our chromosomes, and our genetic information, from being damage by oxidative stress and reactive oxygen species. Telomeres are thought to be the key to immortality because by preventing telomeres from breaking down would be the equivalent to providing eternal life for a cell. A new study published by The American Journal of Public Health found for the first time ever that specific dietary measures can actually shorten telomere length. The study tracked over 5,000 men and women over a three year period in which they measured telomere length by studying white blood cells. The researchers found that after controlling for diet and lifestyle factors that sugar sweetened soda actually shortened telomere length. Shortened telomeres are linked to cancer, diabetes, along with signs of accelerated aging. If futures studies are able to corroborate these findings, we could see a dramatic shift in the way excess dietary sugars are viewed.



Vitamin vitamindD Reduces Death Following Cardiac Arrest

It seems that nearly every week new evidence comes out to further support the case for regular vitamin D supplementation. Now, new data presented at the annual Acute Cardiovascular Care Meeting has found that blood levels of vitamin D may play a critical role in whether or not patients ever fully recover from cardiac arrest. The study took blood samples from 53 patients who suffered cardiac arrest at a hospital in Seoul, South Korea. In addition to blood levels of vitamin D, researchers also measured the results of neurological outcome six months after the occurrence. Astonishingly, researchers found that having low blood levels of vitamin D (10ng/ml or below) was associated with a 29% increased risk of death, and an alarming 65% increase in the rate of impaired neurological function as ooposed to those who had normal blood levels of vitamin D (30mg/ml or higher). Vitamin D plays a role in regulating inflammatory mechanisms, but the extent of its importance may have been undervalued. The study highlights the possibility that by simply having adequate levels of vitamin D in the blood, a significant reduction in the number of deaths from America’s number one killer could be potentially avoided.



Science Discovers How to Accelerate Wound Healing

As anyone who’s ever suffered a paper cut, or the surprisingly irrwounditating deadlift shin scrape can attest, small cuts in awkward places take an eternity to heal. But, once again, the amazing world of science has come to the rescue of the bloody shinned soldiers marching around gyms worldwide. Recently a new type of synthetic platelet was invented that is said to heal wounds three times faster than what our aody is naturally capable of. In order to test the platelets scientists cut the tails on two groups of mice. One group of mice was given injections of the synthetic platelets, while the other group was given nothing. Scientists then waited and observed that the group that received the synthetic injections appeared to have their wounds heal three times faster than the control group. And although the experimental treatment currently has yet to enter human trials, the practical application of being able to heal internal wounds presents an exciting new frontier in medical research.



Sense of Purpurposepose Tied To Longer Lifespan

The feeling of increased training intensity and enthusiasm during contest prep, is a common sentiment that’s been echoed by athletes for decades. And although enthusiasm tends to fade along with energy levels during the last grueling few weeks prior to stepping onstage, there’s no doubt that the idea of training with a purpose is the ultimate motivator for athletes. As it turns out, feeling like you have a sense of purpose, or elevated levels of wellbeing, are associated with a longer lifespan according to researchers from University College of London. For the study researchers tracked over 9,000 participants over the course of nearly nine years to determine the impact that feelings of purpose and wellbeing had on lifespan. After adjusting for a number of lifestyle factors that could impact both physical and mental health, researchers came to the conclusion that feeling people who felt like they had a sense of purpose in life were 30% less likely to die from any cause during the course of the study. And although feeling good may not necessarily correlate to tacking more years on the end of our lives, there are reasons to think that reducing stress levels can go a long way to ridding our life of chronic problems like high cortisol levels, insulin resistance, and reduce blood pressure as well.



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