

Bump to Rump Series: Exercise #1 Smith Machine Lunge


Place front foot far enough in front of you so that your knee does not extend beyond toes.  Your back foot should be far enough behind you to force you to go into a deep lunge.  Make sure to align your hips directly under the Smith bar when you perform this exercise without twisting or torquing during the lunge movement.  When you come up from the lunge position, emphasize squeezing your glute and pushing through that front heel to move the bar up.  Try to come up only halfway during the move, then go right into the next repetition.  If you are squeezing that glute on the back leg, you will be able to move a heavier weight.  I recommend doing all repetitions on one leg, then switching rather than alternating legs during a set.  Doing all repetitions on one leg maximizes glute recruitment and burns out the muscle.  

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